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Here we provide various articles about hydraulic cylinder honed tubes, chrome plated rods, chrome plated tubes. And various industrial news regarding the above products.

How to get the high-quality chrome-plated rods?

Chrome Plate bar for cylinder rod is a key material for mechanical piston movement. Choosing a high-quality chrome plated rod is crucial. To aid in this process, we will outline the selection standards based on material, hardness, straightness, and thickness of the chrome-plated layer. What are the essential quality standards for cylinder piston rods that …

How to get the high-quality chrome-plated rods? Читать далее »

What are the materials for chrome plated rods?

chrome plated rods are highly sought after in the machinery industry due to their exceptional hardness, heat resistance, wear resistance, and chemical stability. There are a number of different materials used for the chrome plated rods for different applications. Here below are the brief introduction of some popular materials of chrome plated rods. 1. SAE …

What are the materials for chrome plated rods? Читать далее »

Каковы характеристики прецизионных бесшовных стальных труб и обычных бесшовных стальных труб?

Chief characteristic of seamless steel tube 1. High strength: Seamless steel tubes are made from high-quality steel, which gives them high strength and durability. 2. Withstand High pressure: Seamless steel tube has no welded seams and can withstand higher pressure. 2. Uniformity: Seamless steel tubes have uniform thickness and diameter throughout their length, which makes …

Каковы характеристики прецизионных бесшовных стальных труб и обычных бесшовных стальных труб? Читать далее »

Как производится высокоточная холоднотянутая бесшовная труба?

A seamless steel tube with high precision, known as high-precision cold-drawn tube, is manufactured through the process of cold-rolling, cold-drawing or a combination of both. It is renowned for its exceptional dimensional accuracy and superior surface finish, making it a popular choice for hydraulic cylinder tube. Our company is a professional manufacturer of honed tubes …

Как производится высокоточная холоднотянутая бесшовная труба? Читать далее »

Каковы классификации холоднотянутых стальных труб (CDS tube)?

Precision cold-drawn seamless tubes, also known as cold-drawn steel tubes, possess exceptional dimensional accuracy and excellent surface finish. These tubes are utilized in mechanical structures and hydraulic equipment. The implementation of precision seamless pipes in the production of mechanical structures or hydraulic equipment can significantly reduce machining time, enhance material utilization, and elevate product quality. …

Каковы классификации холоднотянутых стальных труб (CDS tube)? Читать далее »

Каковы преимущества хромирования поршневых штоков цилиндров?

The hydraulic cylinder relies heavily on the chrome plated cylinder rod, as its proper functioning affects the performance of other components. The hydraulic cylinder rod must meet stringent requirements, including a smooth surface, resistance to corrosion, high tensile strength, and low friction. These characteristics are achieved through chrome plating, which involves coating the high-strength carbon …

Каковы преимущества хромирования поршневых штоков цилиндров? Читать далее »

What are the benefits of the heat treatment for honed tube?

Normally, the honed tubes are heat treated, and the most common heat treat method is stress relieaved heat treatment. The heat treatment process of the honed tube is a heat treatment method for heating and cooling the surface of the iron casting, thereby changing the surface properties of the metal material. The benefits of the …

What are the benefits of the heat treatment for honed tube? Читать далее »

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