Normally, the honed tubes are heat treated, and the most common heat treat method is stress relieaved heat treatment.
The heat treatment process of the honed tube is a heat treatment method for heating and cooling the surface of the iron casting, thereby changing the surface properties of the metal material. The benefits of the heat treatment process are as follows:
1. Wear resistance
The heat treatment process will greatly improve the wear resistant performance of the honed cylinder tubes.
2. Strength
Improvement in strength can be achieved through the heat treatment process of the honed hydraulic cylinder tube.
3. Fatigue limit
By subjecting the honing tube to heat treatment, the fatigue limit of the product workpiece can be considerably enhanced. For instance, the previous processing method for 1045 steel automobile half-shafts involved overall heat treatment, but this has been replaced by a surface heat treatment process that has significantly extended their lifespan. Furthermore, the surface heat treatment process has reduced the part’s susceptibility to voids.